Monday, September 30, 2013
New project in Jeremys Zone!!!
Hola! So another crazy week. We are busy with tons of stuff and we are just getting busier. This week we were able to actually do some proselyting which was crazy. We found a new family to teach which is awesome. We really are blessed according to the amount of work that we do. We don't get to go out and see new people to often, but when we do, we find new families to teach. <---- (beer commercial reference) Thanks for getting that information for me :) I would have to only spend 700 a semester because the discount we get as missionaries from the Salem mission so that wouldn't be a bad idea. Except for I bet I won't do it just cause it doesn't really fit into my plan.... I appreciate the update on sports! how are the Falcons doing? Hows the NFL lookin? So this last week we had some cool stuff go on. Elder Raulston and I were blessed with some revelation concerning a vision for the next 3 months. We prayed about it and feel like we as a zone will baptize 33 in the next 3 months. We showed our mission president the whole "vision" and how we were going to accomplish it. I'll send a copy of it and show ya.. It was the first time I've ever really prayed about a project and really feel like the Lord guided it during the making of it. We've been doing a lot of other work in condensing the Missionary Process for the Stake here and possibly for the mission. We showed our Mission Pres it and he was impressed. I don't feel as bad about spending a lot of time on the computers now, I do prefer going out and talking with people; but the fact that its going to help the mission as a whole makes me feel like we were doing the right thing. Other then that we have been having a great time. My companion and I are a lot like each other so we really get along but we easily distract one another so we started a 40 day fast. I'm trying to cut all slang, inappropriate comments, and a few other things. We hold off from those things for 40 days and try and help each other improve in each of those areas. Its day one and its very difficult. I say dude a lot, I also mention my past way to much. I figure that it goes from thoughts, to words, to action. I've cut the action, now I need to cut the words, after that hopefully the thoughts will follow. Lots of changes going on with me still. I learned recently that even though I've gone through the repentance process, that was just the beginning of a much larger task for the future. I wish I could write more but we are short on time. I love ya and hope all is well. Tell Kate sorry I haven't gotten back to her. I love her and its great to hear from her. I love all of you. Your example has continued to inspire me to be better and do better. thank you for your example padre.
Elder Larsen Sr
Zack...baptisms and cattle roping
well sounds like some fun decorating the house! how is the dog doing? sounds like a fun trip up to the temples and such! yea i think its going to be a lot of getting to know people when i get back. we will see how long im home to get to know all these people. yes they still do cattle roping in order to brand the cattle and i have been learning how to do it and i have participated in branding doing ground work so im excited for that! i have also learned how to pour concrete and how to frame a lil bit so that's fun! anyway its been pretty busy! we had two baptisms this week and they were stressful as usual but went through and ended up great! i am still in wilton and workin it harder than ever since i have the feeling this will be my last 6 week period. we also got to see a huge car fire which we took lots of pics of! very cool to call 911 and stuff! there are a lot of fires really close to where we are staying so we have been paying extra attention to whether or not we need to get packing haha! we have 3 baptisms set for October that are for sure happening so we are excited about that! i have been learning a lot about charity and love which i have been studying in the form of the story of ammon and the atonement! its really been very rewarding and also helping me to know there is a lot i need to work on! still working on a good strong testimony of the book of Mormon and that's really important in teaching! we have been blessed to see a ton of success out here! we have had 2 recent converts get sealed in the temple and had 2 inactive families become active and sealed in the temple and we have set goals with 3 more inactive members to become active and prepare for the temple! :) this is a great area to be in. my comp is super cool and we make tons of zoolander jokes! he can do the model face off the movie its funny because we use it in lessons along with the new sayings like " you pickin up what im putting down?" its all fun! well i love you muchly and would appreciate some baptism pics if you can over email or something so i can send that into the mission office and the ward history :) anyway love ya'll and have a great week!
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Zack "babysits" and baptizes!
sounds like a busy life for the family! i think its good an idle mind is the devils playground right? anyway things are great here jsut lemme know when you find a a side bag they hate my backpack sadly :( transfers came in and im staying in wilton thats right im adding on to my 36 weeks here. things have been good! we have 2 baptisms coming up one this week another the next! im still a DL and its literally like babysitting i dunno how people do it! my investigators are more dependable than some missionaries haha! anyway i love it here and im doing good! my mission is flying by way quick! i love you all and im glad things are going well! what ceremony is going on? i jsut got a job offer from one of my converts he said he would buy my plane ticket to hawaii to work for him for a while and then ship me home so i thought that was cool! we will figure out whats up! well love you all! have a great week!
want some pics of the holloween stuff :) i miss it! i learned how to frame walls this week and i have been learning just a lot of handy skills. the members here want to offer me so much. one is selling his ranger to me and another wants to teach me how to do basic construction and another how to rope while on a horse so i for sure am visiting. these people have been so great to me and i love them! so mcuh work is getting done! we have had 2 less actives get active and go to the temple and another 3 make the goal to go to the temple and get active along with 2 converts go to the temple so its just so exciting! well love you all!!
Monday, September 23, 2013
Jeremy and LOTS of Zone work
HOLA, So this has been a crazy week.. Thanks for going and getting that taken care of, that was really appreciated. I'll call them up and get stuff taken care of. The only issue is that I don't have my license so I'll need to get a copy of it sent to me somehow, I'll talk to them and get it taken care of. So I'm going to be sending a bunch of clothes home soon. I don't fit into any of my clothing anymore haha I got a new suit and am in the process of getting my white shirts replaced. One of the suits I came out with is way to big and the other is just a bit to big. So If you need a new suit and it fits anyone its still a great suit just not my size anymore. I'll keep on trying to keep the cost down but I know I've been bustin you back there... My weight is sticking at about 175 but I'm working out a lot more now and thats been helpin my stress level. I really do believe thats all that is going on. I am mentally able to deal with stress but my body is taking a beating. The work here is going well, we still aren't able to get out and do much in our own area and our zone is really strugglin, but we are doing what we can to help out. We are working with an awesome family, the Frasers. They are one of the most solid families I've met out on my mission. I can't wait for them to be members of the church and really begin to recognize the blessings that will come from living the gospel standards. They have 3 daughters and a son. The dad is a return missionary that was a convert that just got into some bad situations after, but he has a solid testimony. I saw the pictures that Steph took at HavasuPie, I'm super upset I missed that, its gorgeous.... We need to hit that bad boy up, that looks like a trip of a life time. Kayla is freakin adorable. Eric has a gnarly beard thing goin on hahaha Jason moved out??? Where is he living now?? Close to home or way away?? Where is Ammon stayin at?? Is he getting married as well?? Errybody back in the crib gettin hitched and movin on with life haha I'm sure this is how Kevin felt as well though so its just what it is. Life continues to move on, improvement and progression have one eternal round etc etc etc... hahahaahah This last week has been very wet again, the good times are over when it comes to summer around here. Today Shipley ( my comp from Springfield), Ande's (another guy I served around in Springfield), and the 4 Spanish Zone Leaders went on a hike at an awesome waterfall, Silver Creek Falls, it was legit.. I've got some pics I'll show you. I also went to the Temple on Wednesday. First time going through the Temple and actually being worthy to do it... It was incredible, I've never felt the spirit so strongly in my life I felt like I really was in the presence of out Heavenly Father. I look forward to being able to go back and check that out in a few months. I can't wait for us to have the opportunity to go through at some later time as well. I've really enjoyed the last week, this transfer has been going by way to quickly. Sound like you know the feeling though, Darlene sounds like she's busy as all get out ha Life gets very fast when things are busy, this is something I'm sure you are all familiar with... The mission really has just gotten way to fast, I don't even know whats happening with the time but its getting lost somehow. Some other news, everyone in the Salem mission is going to get 50% off of going to the LDS business college, do you know anythin about that school?? Our mission pres is working with them a lot so they are hooking up everyone from the OSM with a year long scholarship. Is that a solid school or do you know?? All in all this has been one of the best transfers of my mission so far, work wise its been difficult and stress is definitely at an all time high, but my comp is a solid kid, I love the guy. Being around Shipley again and Andes has been a blast. I've also learned what the spirit of the law means. I am doing my best to understand the principles of the gospel and live them so I can be accountable for my decisions, both positively if I break one of the laws for the negative. With having an understanding though I have noticed many more blessings for choosing to do what the Lord needs me to do. Raulston is great, the friends I've made out here are ones that I'll be able to fall back on when all is said and done. The mission pres is really trying to prepare me for the real trials when this mission of mine is done and I feel like I'm on the right track to have a good shot at success. I love what is happening to me out here, I love this work and I love all of you. I hope that all of you are doing well. Tell Kevin to hit me up if he's home I need to get a letter out to that kid. You all are in my prayers. Love ya...
Elder J Larsen Sr.
Monday, September 16, 2013
Zack sets up baptisms
sounds like an intense week my friend. sounds like the longer I stay in wilton the more cowboy you get....... your watching horse racing? that's not what I would have ever thought of you doing. well sounds like a fine set of missionaries you got there! glad they are challenging you to do something I would have made fun of them if they didn't because they would be fake :) I didn't even know we had missionaries in the ward. I never saw them growing up. its true what pres packer is saying you need to surround yourself with whats good! you cant dwell in temptation for a long time and expect to stay on the straight and narrow. I love still being in wiltona nd we invited yet another investigator to baptism he accepted for the 28th so we are going to have 2 for the 28th and we have 3 set up for October so we are really excited and really working on staying obedient. opening a new district has been hard since im a first time district leader and one of my missionarie sets im over is struggling pretty bad but ill keep on them me and the zone leaders are working hard with them. well things are great! we got transfers coming up soon so im interested in whats going to happen. well love ya and hope all is well! enjoy the week!!!!! love you all and let me know how this years Halloween goes I miss decorating that! love you!
Jeremys lesson in free agency
Howdy! so this has been an intense week. Its been crazy spiritually and then physically. As for my physical health I'm doing better. My new comp Elder Raulston is an awesome comp and I feel like the stress is down so I'm doin better. I'm still on a much different diet and I can't eat a lot of food but its better. I haven't heard of new baptismal stuff but maybe its just for the bishops and so on. In our zone we have over 22 and a senior couple. 7 are new and 2 are 6 weeks in. If you take the added up time on the misson of about half of our zone Elder Raulston and my time added together is still more then there time out.... Needless to say this has been a cause of extreme crazy times. Lots of disrespect, and a lot of lack of diligence in the companionships. Its been interesting.. Karma, I was disrespectful now its comin back. We learned a principle through this though. Regardless of the respect, we love them, we teach the principle and invite to live, and love them more. I've never loved a group of missionaries so much. It kills me to see some of them make the decisions they are making but I know if we trust them they will figure it out. I've learned a really cool principle thanks to the spirit recently. "Happiness doesn't come from living the gospel, it comes from understanding and choosing to live the gospel."(2nep 2: 27-28) Agency is the key to everything I swear it is haha Who is shelia again?? do we have any pics of the horse racing cause that sounds awesome haha What is regional conference and when am I invited? I want to see Pres. Packer, he's the man! Nelson is dope as well but its Packer... As for those missonaries, they sound like they are pretty funny guys. I know a few Elders like them haha Did they beat the sisters? if not they should be in trouble, that would be really lame on there end to lose to sister missionaries. So This week we had MLC and we had some people from LDS buisness college come talk with us. I took a strengths assesment test by Gallop that was really cool and we talked about the strenghts that we all have. I have Restorative, Competition, context, focus, and learner. It was really cool to see what my strengths are on paper. Its actually described me pretty well. I'll try and email ya the info on it. Missionary Leadership Counsil was intense though. We learned some pretty hardcore doctrine and how to apply it to our lives and the lives of the missonaries that we serve around. Something I learned is that God does remover our Agency from time to time if we aren't able to make a decision that would be unbiased (Alma 12: 21) He took away the choice for them to take the fruit because they coulnd't comprehend the outcome of that decision. Also Antionah is a punk for trying to catch them in their words... Them Judges be fools! I need to still send that present for Jason still. I haven't had time to breath with all the crud goin on here. I thought I was busy in my last area, but I was very wrong. Life here is just nuts. Well I love ya'll and hope all is well. Tell Kevin, Jason, and Katie that I love them and hope that all is well. Whats goin on wtih the wedding for Jason? Whats goin on with Kev and hows School going for Katie so far? Also I will be renewing my license out here soon. I'm going to need 250 dollars to do so though, I will have to renew it in Utah, then take a test here in Oregon and then I'll get a oregon driver licence. I need to get one though. President asked me to get it so I'm going to. I love ya'll and hope life is good in the hood. Peace and Love!
Monday, September 9, 2013
Jeremy says "Obedience + The Spirit = Happiness/Success"
On Mon, Sep 9, 2013 at 2:35 PM, Jeremy Larsen wrote:
Hey there everybody! so hey first off I bought a watch because my last one was way to flashy to be wearing around so I got that. So the email should be I think.... I hope at least hahaha I had no idea how much of a difference I made in the people in the area. I loved that ward but I'm glad to be moving ahead. I have had quite the crazy experience this last week. A lot less proselyting and a lot more dealing with missionaries that need help and a little bit of playing Dr. Phil... Its been interesting to transition from working a lot with the ward and investigators to worrying about the way that the Zone is heading.. I'm pumped for the challenge though, as stressful as its been. We 7 new missionaries in our zone so its been a huge task to get things moving. Again though, the challenge is the fun part of it because its really makin me stretch as well as its been making me become more discipline. Also I've been having to be a bit more hardcore about a bunch of stuff, its an interesting transition. As for Jason and such I need to see some pics! I got him a B-Day present that is being sent soon. Tell everyone happy bday for me. Tell Katie congrats for me and everything, I think that is awesome that she is becoming so involved in life... She is much smarter then I was then hahahaha As for kev movin out that is crazy. Everything is gettin flipped around over at the homestead. Tell kev to hit me up sometime, I need to write him a letter or somethin..... So my new comp is a boss, Elder Raulston. He's from Salem Utah. I'm serving in the Turner ward with him and things are going crazy in the ward as well. Haven't had a chance to talk with much of the ward yet cause of stake conference. We met Elder Paul Christensen of the 70. We had a good talk with him about the work. I've been meeting a lot of general authorities these days. I'm glad I worked out my repentance before I talked with him. Well I love you all and hope all is well. Life is good, its challenging but I love it. I hope that you are having a great time now that its Fall again. Things are still pretty toasty here but I think that we are going to be gettin cold soon.. Also I took a strenghts test that was provided by the President. I'll email you the stuff asap just so you can check it out. It was really cool. I love ya and miss you very much, but I have truly begun to love the savior. I love the book of mormon, its totally changed my life. I recognize that I need to change a lot of things now and that I need to cut off a lot of friends... Its going to be hard, but I recognize that I need to be in a situation that I can stay a worthy priesthood holder. I can't do that if I'm around my homies. Unfortunatly I have let the devil get some ground on the carnal man in me and I can't gain that ground back so I need to just cut ties.. Life is changing very quickly, its been a trip and a half. Pray for the work in the area here and in your ward. Look for missionary opportunities everywhere you go. Watch the Work of Salvation broadcarst again and apply it into the fam's life and we will find happiness. I've learned that Obedience + the spirit= Happiness/success. Its a true principle and I love it. Well I love ya'll again. Keep on being awesome. Tell Liam and Alex I love the guys and Tell Steph and Slade that I hope things are going great. Kayla is gettin HUGE! Peace out padre.
Elder Larsen Sr.




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California law slows Zacks work in Wilton
as for spiking reptiles im shooting those tacks from about 25 feet out on a blowdart gun so its a lot of fun im also shooting my comp with pointless tacks so it wont stick into him mostly when he makes trunky comments :) also I love roping. not a lot has happened since last week we have gotten a lot of new investigators and lost 2 baptisms do to stupid California government! I hate California government! they will be baptized in December though :) anyway its really hot in California and I learned that if you jay walk its a 400 dollar fine CRAZAY!!! my comp is sweet and is starting to teach! we are seeing a lot of success and sneaking into a crazy gated community. like imagine pepperwood if the gate guards did their job and you cant just walk in. its nuts! we sneak in 3 times a weeka nd teach people up there until we leave or get kicked out haha! well things are graet here im still enjoying wilton. this doctor guy fixed my shoulder, jaw, back, and knee! he is a well known physiologist. he is awesome he idd it for FREE! :) so im happy about that. we are doing a cool new thing as missionaries we are doing a priesthood blessing called the saviors peace and blessing and we are leaving it with investigators and while tracting and such its fun so we have been doing that and its been a great way to bring the spirit into lessons, we have felt good everytime we do it and something good has always happened. we also play a tracting game where as soon as we go up to the door we get a word and you have to use it in your tracting approach its fun! my word was gasha doll. I gave my comp hippopotamus. well that's my week really I love you bye! happy birthday to everyone! and try and get me a similar bag to jasons airsofting side bag :) oh and hair parts are no longer required SAWEET!
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Zack tries to "slay the slang" (again)
im loosing the battle so slay the slang I need my angry words. I also have been using the term "gay as aids" when something makes me upset. still working on it. this week we played volleyball for someones baptism best out of 3 and its 1-1 so this week is game day haha! as for elder mahaa he is sweet I hope you know him because when we are in Tahiti we are for sure visiting his family! you never addressed my request on the Tahiti trip :) anyway still disagreeing with the flat changing to not a bachelor pad just so you know that's my vote. im sure its jeremys vote as well :) I speak for him now muwahaha! did you convince jasons wife to be to do temple endownments? sometimes when we run into concerns about not being ready for baptism we just go through the baptismial interview questions slowly with them and if they are in line with that then they are ready and it helps them realize that. so tell her to talk to the bishop and go through the questions. i like snakes so that's awesome! I want to see the pretty lil thing! we had a pet snake that I captured and now im just taking up hunting small animals with my blow dart gun I have killed a lizard and a frog, im hunting this tailess lizard and now im moving up to possums :) its good fun! I got me a belt buckle a nice leather belt for free and a cowboy hat so now im just working on the boots :) so some new rules hit the mission and I got one more request for you! first thank you so so so much for the pants I love them, they are lil a long but I can fix that :) thanks!!! now backpacks are apostate to have because "its not professional" so I need a side bag instead so if Jason wants to semi redeem himself I have a request for him :) his shoulder bag he used for airsofting I want one like that :) he should get it for me :) as for my bike ill be trying to fix it or replace it but its pretty darn messed up :( well the work is great the members are great and my comp is amazing! I love it in wilton. being a DL is hard though I feel like a babysitter 

Jeremy transfered!! And now is a Zone Leader
Howdy! This has been a great week. First off before I forget, the password is a25824 or aaa25824 and the username should be xigaze, or just log on with my xbox if you can find it. So I've been transfered. Sunday was a pretty sad day for me I'll let ya know that. I had no idea the effect I had on the ward until I was leaving and man... It was one of the most intense moments of my life thus far. First off Matt and Mary's baptsim went very well. They were confirmed and we went to the visitors center for the Portland temple on sunday. It was an awesome day but it was very bitter sweet. When I found out saturday that I was leaving I was pretty upset, but hey its what it is. Elder Muir took over as DL and he's totally straigtened out and I was called to be a Zone Leader. It was cool to see his progression in the gosple. I know I'm scatter brained but I'm pretty tired right now haha its almost 9 and we are just gettin to Email so its been nuts. So back to church, they made me say the closing prayer and they sang God be with You Till We Meet Again. It was a moment I'll never forget. The outpouring of love from all the ward was intense. It was a very spiritual and tough day. Albany has totally changed my life, I look forward to the new calling and challenge though. I'll be serving in the Turner ward in Salem with Elder Raulston. He's been serving for almost 20 months, 'm pumped to learn from him. We have I think 10 new missionaries in the zone and some fixing to do so this is going to be an intense new deal up here. My area apparently is total boonies, so this will be awesome! I wish I could say more and send the pics I got but I forgot my camera... My B. But I wish I could say more but I'm outta time, I'll let ya know what's going on more next week or when I can next. Definitely pray for me haha. As for the food and stuff not much better. I'm stayin at about 170 but life is good still. I'm doin my best to stay on top of that though. Well I love ya and I'll let ya know more of whats goin on and send pictures. Love ya and please keep the recent converts in Albany in your prayers as well as Elder Muir as he takes over. Peace!
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